Mark Rupert

Ideologies of Globalization: Contending Visions of a New World Order (Routledge/Ripe Studies in Global Political Economy)

Timely, informative and controversial, this book is essential reading for all those seeking to understand American politics and current developments within the global political economy. ...

Evelyne Huber, John D. Stephens

Development and Crisis of the Welfare State: Parties and Policies in Global Markets

Evelyne Huber and John D. Stephens offer the most systematic examination to date of the origins, character, effects, and prospects of generous welfare states in advanced industrial democracies in the post--World War II era. They demonstrate ...

Jonathan Heath, Sidney Weintraub

Mexico and the Sexenio Curse: Presidential Successions and Economic Crises in Modern Mexico (CSIS Significant Issues Series)

Can Mexico effectively avoid a crisis in the year 2000? What factors could cause one, and what is being done to prevent it? Since 1976 Mexico has experienced currency and economic crises at the end of every sexenio--Mexico's six-year presidential ...

Stewart Gordon

The Marathas 1600-1818 (The New Cambridge History of India II : 4)

In this book, Dr. Stewart Gordon presents the first comprehensive history of the Maratha polity, which was an important regional kingdom in the seventeenth century and the largest political entity of eighteenth century India. He focuses on the ...

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