David M. Cutler, Ernst R. Berndt

Medical Care Output and Productivity (Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol 62)

With the United States and other developed nations spending as much as 14 percent of their GDP on medical care, economists and policy analysts are asking what these countries are getting in return. Yet it remains frustrating and difficult to ...

B. H. Baltagi

Nonstationary Panels, Panel Cointegration, and Dynamic Panels

Hardbound. This volume is dedicated to two recent intensive areas of research in the econometrics of panel data, namely nonstationary panels and dynamic panels. It includes a comprehensive survey of the nonstationary panel literature including panel ...

Paul Stoneman

Handbook of the Economics of Innovations and Technological Change (Blackwell Handbooks in Economics)

This volume presents the first comprehensive, detailed and up-to-date overview of current knowledge in the Economics of Technological Change. It reviews what is known and accepted for research in the future by taking the reader to the boundaries of ...

Laszlo Matyas, L^D'aszl^D'o M^D'aty^D'as

Generalized Method of Moments Estimation (Themes in Modern Econometrics, 5)

The generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation has emerged over the past decade as providing a ready to use, flexible tool of application to a large number of econometric and economic models by relying on mild, plausible assumptions. The ...

<<<  Michael J. Peel. The Liquidation/Merger Alternative             Blythe Camenson. Careers for Romantics & Other Dreamy Types >>>

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