Anthony Robbins

Giant Steps : Author Of Awaken The Giant And Unlimited Power

WHAT GOOD IS INSPIRATION IF IT'S NOT BACKED UP BY ACTION? Based on the finest tools, techniques, principles, and strategies offered in Awaken the Giant Within, best-selling author and peak performance consultant Anthony Robbins ...

Jan Norman

What No One Ever Tells You about Starting Your Own Business, 2nd Ed. : Real-Life Start-Up Advice from 101 Successful Entrepreneurs

An updated picture of the trials and triumphs of today's entrepreneur increase the company's bottom line. Starting a business involves inevitable ups and downs, for first-time as well as experienced entrepreneurs. This updated, expanded ...

Daniel I. Kaplan

Service Success! Lessons From a Leader on How to Turn Around a Service Business

Singled out by Fortune and The New York Times as a remarkable manager, Dan Kaplan has pioneered a revolutionary new system for measuring service quality to help managers keep track of intangibles in a service business. Provides a ...

Michael Haley Dickmann, Nancy Stanford-Blair

Connecting Leadership to the Brain

This visionary guide advances a new leadership paradigm by translating breakthrough research about six dimensions of human intelligence into practical strategies that can be immediately applied to how leaders influence growth and achievement. ...

<<<  James Conaway. Napa: The Story of an American Eden             Ги де Мопассан. Наше сердце. Пьер и Жан >>>

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