Matt Weinstein

Managing to Have Fun

What's the best way to revolutionize the workplace? Forget restructuring and reengineering. Have a little fun! Imaging sendig a pizza to your assistant's home after keeping her late at the office...or writing a "thank you" note to her ...

Ron Zemke, Kristin Anderson

Coaching Knock Your Socks Off Service

Top performers in sports and the performing arts never outgrow their need for coaching, say authors Ron Zemke and Kristin Anderson, so why should your front-line employees be any different? On the contrary, they insist, workers also need ongoing ...

Patricia K. Zingheim, Jay R. Schuster, Jay R. Schuster

Pay People Right! : Breakthrough Reward Strategies to Create Great Companies (Jossey-Bass Business and Management Series)

Widely recognized as the nation's foremost experts on pay strategies, Zingheim and Schuster offer up a nuts-and-bolts guide on how a company can use pay to create a win-win partnership with its workforce. Their advice is direct and specific and will ...

Peter Ferdinand Drucker, Robert Eccles, Joseph A. Ness, Thomas G. Cucuzza, Robert Simons, Antonlo Dbvlla, Robert Kaplan, David Norton

Harvard Business Review on Measuring Corporate Performance (Harvard Business Review Paperback Series)

The Harvard Business Review paperback series is designed to bring today's managers and professionals the fundamental information they need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world. Here are the landmark ideas that have established the Harvard ...

<<<  Subir Chowdhury. Power of Six Sigma             Ги де Мопассан. Наше сердце. Пьер и Жан >>>

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