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Learning Express, Learningexpress COSMETOLOGY LICENSING EXAM PRACTICE 2E Описание:
For cosmetology Licensing candidatesThis is an up-to-date, essential guide for beauty industry candidates whoneed to pass state licensing boards in order to become certifiedcosmetologists.
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Mari Perron 501 WRITING PROMPT QUESTIONS Описание:
Exit exams, college placement exams, and often civil service exams require test takers to answer questions in writing. Often these written exercises are given with tight deadlines so it is important to understand basic writing skills. To help
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Kate Wendleton Kick Off Your Career Описание:
Kick Off Your Career is no ordinary job-search book. The author has spent fifteen years researching the best methods for getting the perfect job. The day of graduation, millions of students across the country will also enter the job market, a
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J. Steven McKenzie, William J. Traynor Opportunities in Human Resource Management Careers Описание:
Opportunities In Human Resource Management Careers offers job seekers essential information about a variety of careers within the field of human resource management and includes training and education requirements, salary statistics, and
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