Harold Salzman, Stephen R. Rosenthal

Software by Design: Shaping Technology and the Workplace

As computers become more and more integral to business and other organizational operations around the world, software design must increasingly meet the social demands of the workplace. This book provides an informative, cogent examination of how ...

Management of Alcohol- and Drug-Related Issues in the Workplace: An ILO Code of Practice

Abuse of drugs and alcohol may cause serious difficulties at work including deterioration in job performance. Abuse is caused by a diverse range of personal, family, social or work situations or a combination of such factors. Consequently this ILO ...

Joni Wilson

The 3-Dimensional Voice: A Fun & Easy Method of Voice (The Wilson Voice Series)

The 3-Dimensional Voice is an easy to read instruction manual for the Human Voice written with wit and wisdom for EVERYBODY who owns one! It is packed full of simple solutions to the voice problems that challange us eveyday. You'll learn to turn a ...

Gerald Kovacich

The Information Systems Security Officer's Guide: Establishing and Managing an Information Protection Program, Second Edition

Information systems security continues to grow and change based on new technology and Internet usage trends. In order to protect your organization's confidential information, you need information on the latest trends and practical advice from an ...

<<<  Jessica Lipnack, Jeffrey Stamps, Jeffrey Stamps. The TeamNet ...             Ги де Мопассан. Наше сердце. Пьер и Жан >>>

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