James M. Citrin, Richard A. Smith

The Five Patterns of Extraordinary Careers: The Guide for Achieving Success and Satisfaction

What is different about the careers of people like Lou Gerstner, the acclaimed, recently retired chairman and CEO of IBM? Or Senator Elizabeth Dole, Yahoo! COO Dan Rosensweig, and Tom Freston, chairman and CEO of MTV Networks? Why did they ...

Dianna Booher

Get A Life Without Sacrificing Your Career: How to Make More Time for What's Reallyl Important

An invaluable guide to self management, Get A Life Without Sacrificing Your Career is designed to help professionals reduce stress and increase satisfaction by realigning how they spend their time with their personal values. ...

Mary F. Whiteside, Craig E. Aronoff, John L. Ward

How Families Work Together (Family Business Leadership Series Number 4)

How Families Work Together emphasizes how to build * positive and constructive family relations by learning to make the * characteristics and dynamics of family life work for you. Dr. Mary * Whiteside of the Ann Arbor Center for the Family, a * ...

Max L. Carey, Max Carey

The Superman Complex: Achieving the Balance That Leads to True Success

In 1988, the editors of Inc. magazine came across a story so compelling it had to be published. The story was Max Carey - super-successful entrepreneur, combat pilot, football star - and it told how he, victimized by what he called "the superman ...

<<<  Anna Grandori. Interfirm Networks: Organization ...             Ги де Мопассан. Наше сердце. Пьер и Жан >>>

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