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Edward R. Tufte The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
A timeless classic in how complex information should be presented graphically. The Strunk & White of visual design. Should occupy a place of honor--within arm's reach--of everyone attempting to understand or depict numerical data graphically. The
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Chris Brooks Introductory Econometrics for Finance
This introduction to contemporary topics in the modelling of financial time series is data and problem driven, giving students the skills to estimate and interpret models, and intuitively grasp the underlying theoretical econometrics. An
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John Cunningham Wood, Steven Kates Jean Baptiste Say : Critical Assessments of Leading Economists (Critical Assessments)
This collection reprints the major scholarly articles on Jean-Baptiste Say (1767-1832), inventor of Say's Law, one of the cornerstones of classical economics. This set covers such themes as; the history of Say in Economics and the Modern
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Jan Tuinstra Price Dynamics in Equilibrium Models - The Search for Equilibrium and the Emergence of Endogenous Fluctuations (Advances in Computational Economics, Volume 16)
A long-standing unsolved problem in economic theory is how economic equilibria are attained. Price Dynamics in Equilibrium Models: The Search for Equilibrium and the Emergence of Endogenous Fluctuations considers a number of adjustment processes in
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