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Barry Bluestone, Bennett Harrison Growing Prosperity
The sudden drop in America's productivity rate beginning in the early 1970s and the simultaneous increase in income inequality made a generation of American economists pessimistic about the nation's ability to grow faster or to deal with the growing
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Michael R. Edgmand, Ronald L. Moomaw, Kent W. Olson Economics and Contemporary Issues With Economics Applications Card and Infotrac College Edition
This text examines major issues pertaining to education, health care, Social Security, unemployment, inflation, and international trade. It also examines social and political phenomena, such as the collapse of communism and central planning, the
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Robert L. Heilbroner, William S. Milberg The Crisis of Vision in Modern Economic Thought
A deep and widespread crisis affects modern economic theory, a crisis that derives from the absence of a "vision"--a set of widely shared political and social preconceptions--on which all economics ultimately depends. This absence, in turn,
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Lewis Borsellino, Lewis J. Borsellino The Day Trader: From the Pit to the PC
Praise for The Day Trader "A legendary S&P floor trader has written a powerful, brutally honest chronicle of his determined rise to the top of his profession. Touching and insightful, this riveting account is one of the best trading memoirs
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