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Judith C. Hoy, Donald F. Van Eynde, Dixie Cody Van Eynde Organization Development Classics
Timeless, poetic and wise, the articles recaptured in this remarkable volume beg to be read again and again, a much for their spirit as for their practicality. This collection defines our roots, yet in its timelessness points the way to the road
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Robert M. Frame, Randy K. Hess, Warren R. Nielsen The OD Source Book : A Practitioner's Guide
Step-by-step OD for practitioners This comprehensive guide outlines the methodology for conducting 17 specific interventions. Specific steps and strategies are provided as well as the rationale for each particular approach. Part I
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Alan T. Belasen Leading the Learning Organization: Communication and Competencies for Managing Change (Suny Series, Human Communication Processes)
"Leading the Learning Organization" provides students, executives, and managers with vital resources to lead their organizations to higher levels of performance. Using examples from companies such as General Electric, IBM, Kodak, and ABB, "Leading
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Thomas Gilmore Making a Leadership Change
Turnover at the top can stimulate great changes throughout an organization. These changes can mean low morale, decreased productivity, rumors, and political infighting-or they can revitalize working relationships and opportunities to rethink
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