Clifford L. Broman, V. Lee Hamilton, William Sydney Hoffman

Stress and Distress Among the Unemployed: Hard Times and Vulnerable People (Plenum Studies in Work and Industry)

Employing both large-scale surveys and in-depth interviews, the authors document the mental health effects on workers caused by the closure of four General Motor plants. They paint a portrait of how the social context in which these workers lived ...

Brian Towers, Michael Terry

European Industrial Relations: Irj Annual Review 1999/2000

The growing importance of developments in European employment and industrial relations - especially in the EU and its member states but also including Central and Eastern European countries - is reflected in this new, authoritative Annual Review. ...

Harold C. Livesay

Samuel Gompers and Organized Labor in America

It was the particular talent of Samuel Gompers to have perceived the realities of the position of working people in the United States at the end of the nineteenth century during a period of massive industrialization and large-scale immigration. ...

Miri Song

Helping Out: Children's Labor in Ethnic Businesses

The growing body of literature on ethnic businesses has emphasized the importance of small family-based businesses as a key form of immigrant adaptation. Although there have been numerous references to the importance of "family labor" as a key ...

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