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Charles P. Kindleberger World Economic Primacy: 1500 To 1990
Charles Kindleberger's World Economic Primacy: 1500-1990 is a work of rare ambition and scope from one of our most respected economic historians. Extending over broad ranges of both history and geography, the work considers what it is that enables
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Ronald Shone Economic Dynamics: Phase Diagrams and Their Economic Application
This substantially revised and restructured second edition of an essential textbook presents dynamics and phase diagrams for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in economic theory and quantitative economics. It offers an integrated analysis
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Knut Borchardt Perspectives on Modern German Economic History and Policy
This is the long-awaited English-language edition of Professor Borchardt's brilliant and controversial essays on German economic history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The essays are nontechnical in character, and thus should be
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Daniel Litvin Empires of Profit: Commerce, Conquest and Corporate Responsibility
Empires of Profit tells a series of dramatic stories to illustrate the greed, benevolence, and ignorance of western business in the developing world. The stories which are at times a shocking reminder of the origins of the present-day
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Невинномысск, Кемерово, Новошахтинск, Обнинск,
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