D. R. Carmichael, Paul Rosenfield

Accountants' Handbook, 2 Volume Set (ACCOUNTANT'S HANDBOOK)

The Accountants' Handbook series has the longest tradition of providing comprehensive coverage of the field to both accounting professionals and professionals in other fields who need or desire to obtain quick, understandable, and thorough exposure ...

S. B. Costales

The Guide to Understanding Financial Statements

There's no mystery to understanding company financial statements Even if you have no financial or accounting background, you can read those intimidating-looking financial statements as easily as A-B-C. The second edition of The Guide to ...

D. R. Carmichael, Paul Rosenfield

Accountants' Handbook, Financial Accounting and General Topics

The premier accounting reference, revised and expanded The Accountants' Handbook series has the longest tradition of any reference of providing comprehensive coverage of the field to both accounting professionals and professionals in other ...

Thomas P Edmonds, Frances M McNair, Edward E Milam, Philip R Olds

Fundamental Financial Accounting with Topic Tackler, Net Tutor & Powerweb Package

Students are often overwhelmed by the amount of information presented in the introductory financial accounting course. By focusing on fundamental concepts in a logical sequence, students are able to fully comprehend the material rather than ...

<<<  Cornelius P. McCarthy. The Under 40 Financial Planning Guide: ...             Ги де Мопассан. Наше сердце. Пьер и Жан >>>

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