Jack Reid

Easy Landscapes: Easy Landcapes (Watercolor for the Fun of It)

With this book's no-clutter approach, artists will be tackling two of their favorite subjects--watercolor and landscapes--in minutes. Reid's quick-start guide gives beginners a basic overview of materials, terms and exercises to get them off on ...

Rien Poortvliet

Noah's Ark

Admired all over the world for his remarkable illustrations, Rien Poortvliet showcases his craftsmanship and love for the natural world in Noah's Ark . Poortvliet's distinct talent can be seen in both the exceptional variety of animals and the ...

Mariet Westermann

A Worldly Art: The Dutch Republic, 1585-1718

Newly independent in 1585, the increasingly prosperous and politically powerful Dutch Republic experienced a tremendous rise in the production of artwork that was unparalleled in quantity, variety, and beauty. Now back in print, this classic ...

Jean Baudrillard

The Conspiracy of Art

The images from Abu Ghraib are as murderous for America as those of the World Trade Center in flames. The whole West is contained in the burst of sadistic laughter of the American soldiers, as it is behind the construction of the Israeli wall. ...

<<<  Andrew Weaving. Sarasota Modern             Lea R. Dopson, David K. Hayes, Jack E. Miller. Food and Beverage ... >>>

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