Antonio Munoz Molina

El Jinete Polaco/the Polish Horseman...

Vasily Grossman

Life and Fate (New York Review Books Classics)

A book judged so dangerous in the Soviet Union that not only the manuscript but the ribbons on which it had been typed were confiscated by the state, Life and Fate is an epic tale of World War II and a profound reckoning with the dark forces ...

Czeslaw Milosz

Legends of Modernity: Essays and Letters from Occupied Poland, 1942-1943

Legends of Modernity , now available in English for the first time, brings together some of Czeslaw Milosz's early essays and letters, composed in German-occupied Warsaw during the winter of 1942-43. "Why did the European spirit ...

Crosscurrents: Transatlantic Perspectives on Early Modern Hispanic Drama

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<<<  Gerald Morris. The Savage Damsel and the Dwarf (The Squire's Tales) ...             Lea R. Dopson, David K. Hayes, Jack E. Miller. Food and Beverage ... >>>

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