Jane Austen

Orgullo y prejuicio

Set in class-conscious England at the end of the 18th century, this handsome, limited edition revives the classic, humorous story of love and misunderstanding between the spirited and opinionated Elizabeth Bennet and the ever-so-proud Mr. ...

Jack Prelutsky

Behold the Bold Umbrellaphant: And Other Poems

What do you get when you cross . . . A toaster with a toad? A tuba with a baboon? A clock with an octopus? A hat with a chicken? An umbrella with an elephant? Why . . . A Pop-up Toadster A Tubaboon The ...

Lisa Kleypas

Devil in Winter (Wallflower Quartet)

A devil's bargain Easily the shyest Wallflower, Evangeline Jenner stands to become the wealthiest, once her inheritance comes due. Because she must first escape the clutches of her unscrupulous relatives, Evie has approached the rake ...

Linda Francis Lee

The Devil in the Junior League

The Junior League of Willow Creek, Texas, is trs exclusive. Undesirables need not apply. Fredericka Mercedes Hildebrand Ware (Frede to her friends) is a member beyond reproach....until her life begins to unravel. When her husband betrays her, steals ...

<<<  Б. И. Черпаков, И. Д. Остромогольский. Шлифовщик высокой ...             Lea R. Dopson, David K. Hayes, Jack E. Miller. Food and Beverage ... >>>

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