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Entrepreneur Press How to Start a Business in Georgia (Smart Start)
SmartStart Your Business Today! How to Start a Business in Georgia is your road map to avoiding operational, legal and financial pitfalls and breaking through the bureaucratic red tape that often entangles new entrepreneurs. This
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Joe Laredo Renovating & Maintaining Your French Home, Third Edition: A Survival Handbook
The latest edition of the best-selling property maintenance book for anyone owning real estate in France or planning to buy property there. It's guaranteed to take the headache out of modernizing, extending or looking after your French home, and
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David Clutterbuck Coaching the Team at Work
Much has been written about coaching individuals, yet there has been little investigation of coaching teams at work. Even in organizations that have made strides towards becoming coaching cultures, the focus has been on the individual, not the
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Maureen A. Lewis, Marlaine E. Lockheed Inexcusable Absence
Girls' education, indisputably crucial to development, has received a lot of attention--but surprisingly little hardheaded analysis to inform practical policy solutions. In Inexcusable Absence , Maureen Lewis and Marlaine Lockheed
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