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Darren Wershler-Henry The Iron Whim: A Fragmented History of Typewriting
The Iron Whim is an intelligent, irreverent, and humorous history of writing culture and technology. It covers the early history and evolution of the typewriter as well as the various attempts over the years to change the keyboard configuration,
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Kathleen M. Barry Femininity in Flight: A History of Flight Attendants (Radical Perspectives)
a€?In her new chic outfit, she looks like anything but a stewardess working. But work she does. Hard, too. And you hardly know it. a€? So read the text of a 1969 newspaper advertisement for Delta Airlines featuring a picture of a brightly
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Wes Cantrell, James R. Lucas High-Performance Ethics: 10 Timeless Principles for Next-Generation Leadership
Do you have to lower your ethical standards in order to succeed at your job? High-Performance Ethics authors Wes Cantrell and James Lucas say that the answer is no. The authors outline ways to make ethical decisions (based on the Ten
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Robert J. Herbold Seduced by Success: How the Best Companies Survive the 9 Traps of Winning
Don't let success put your company on the road to ruin In Seduced by Success , Robert J. Herbold, the former Chief Operating Officer of Microsoft, shows you how to avoid the nine traps of success-the “legacy
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