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Martial Epigrams, II: Books 6-10
It was to celebrate the opening of the Roman Colosseum in 80 CE that Martial published his first book of poems, "On the Spectacles." Written with satiric wit and a talent for the memorable phrase, the poems in this collection record the broad
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Курт Хадсон Официальный учебный курс Microsoft. Планирование, внедрение и поддержка инфраструктуры Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory 70-294. Практические занятия
Сборник практических занятий - приложение к учебному пособию МОАС: "Планирование, внедрение и поддержка инфраструктуры Windows Server Active Directory (70-294)". Экзамен по данному курсу (70-294) является одним из шести обязательных экзаменов для
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C. Edson Armi American Car Design Now: Inside the Studios of America's Top Car Designers
Americans are increasingly fascinated by how their cars are designed. Auto designers are now celebrities, and the look of one's car has become as important as the clothes one wears. American Car Design Now is the first book to explore the creative
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Lobby Design
56 new projects present the new trends in Lobby Design all over the world. The lobby is a passing place, a transitory space. It is the first point of contact with the place visited from the street. The great challenge for the architect and client is
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