Dallan Beck

The Musician's Guide to Recording Drums

Book DescriptionThis private lesson with MI instructor Dallan Beck will teach you how to get a professional sound when recording drums in the studio and on stage. Topics covered include: microphones, sound processors, drum components, room and ...

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Collected Poetry and Prose

Book DescriptionA major poet, writer, and painter, Dante Gabriel Rossetti was seen as the dominating cultural presence in the second half of the nineteenth century. He founded the Pre-Raphaelite movement, revised and reimagined Blake?s project ...

Kate Egan

Meet the Spy Kids (Festival Readers)

Book Description Armed with their wits and some great gadgets, the Spy Kids are ready for anything! Even if it's saving the world from destruction. ...

Jan Deblieu

Year of the Comets: A Journey from Sadness to the Stars

Book DescriptionOn the clearest nights, in the darkest rural areas, it's possible to see as many as 2,000 stars. On what kind of scaffolding are they hung? Every moment thousands of neurons fire in our brains, giving rise to our thoughts and ...

<<<  Courtney Angela Brkic. Stillness: And Other Stories             Kathleen Stewart Howe. First Seen: Portraits of the World's Peoples >>>

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