Audacity Personified: The Generalship of Robert E. Lee

Book DescriptionDespite the literary outpouring on the life of Robert E. Lee, the southern chieftain remains an enigma. The existing scholarship is so voluminous, complex, and contradictory that it is difficult to penetrate the inner Lee and ...

H. C. Erik Midelfort

Exorcism and Enlightenment : Johann Joseph Gassner and the Demons of Eighteenth-Century Germany (The Terry Lectures Series)

Book DescriptionIn the late eighteenth century, Catholic priest Johann Joseph Gassner (1727–1779) discovered that he had extraordinary powers of exorcism. Deciding that demons were responsible for most human ailments, he healed thousands, rich ...

Charlotte Turner Smith


Book DescriptionThe plot of Charlotte Smith's autobiographical first novel Emmeline (1788) includes the usual thrills of the eighteenth-century courtship novel: abduction, duels, and a "fairy tale princess." At the same time, the novel satirically ...

Debbie Dadey

Bsk Holiday Special (Ogres Don't Hunt Easter Eggs)

Book Description There are some weird grown-ups living in Bailey City. But could the man fixing up the park for the town Easter egg hunt really be an ogre? It's been raining ever since Brutus Bigg arrived in town. And even though he's supposed ...

<<<  Anne Taylor Kirschmann. A Vital Force: ...             Kathleen Stewart Howe. First Seen: Portraits of the World's Peoples >>>

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