Mark Edwards

The Saint's Bones: The Gang - Book One

In a September that starts like a hundred Septembers before it, a group of children enroll as freshmen at St. Adalbert?s High School. But in a September that ends like no other September in history, those children discover that they possess ...

Mike Carey

Lucifer Vol. 7: Exodus

As a first note, if you haven't read the previous books in this series this is not the place to jump in. The focus of the stories in this book is present more on the supporting characters and provide more in the way of atmosphere to the series than ...

L. B. McCarty

Best Golf Course Management Practices (2nd Edition)

Best Golf Course Management Practices, Second Edition is the most complete and up-to-date guidebook and reference for those studying turfgrass management, including golf courses and sports fields. Written by top turfgrass scientists, this book ...

Perspecta 35 "Building Codes" : The Yale Architectural Journal (Perspecta)

Book DescriptionCodes, as systematic forms of regulation and organization, are not the innocuous or neutral documents they are often considered to be. Operating with or without legal sanction, they are formulated to ensure specific and predictable ...

<<<  Elaine Cunningham. Tangled Webs (Forgotten ...             Kathleen Stewart Howe. First Seen: Portraits of the World's Peoples >>>

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