Windmill Tales: Stories from the American Wind Power Center

Book DescriptionThe only sound that day was from the windmill, a creaking sound that a windmill makes turning in the summer breeze. It is a memory I deeply cherish and why I love windmills so much. --A visitor to the American Wind Power Center ...

Patricia A. Emison

Creating the "Divine" Artist: From Dante to Michelangelo (Cultures, Beliefs and Traditions Medieval and Early Modern Peoples)

Book DescriptionTurning a skeptical eye on the idea that Renaissance artists were widely believed to be as utterly admirable as Vasari claimed, this book re-opens the question of why artists were praised and by whom, and specifically why the ...

Dominique Ayral


Bare breasts, white breasts, black breasts, tanned breasts, oiled breasts, wet breasts, tattooed breasts, photographed breasts, breasts with transparent wrapping Christo-stlye, smeared breasts, body-art breasts... all naked as the day they came into ...

Jordanna Bailkin

The Culture of Property : The Crisis of Liberalism in Modern Britain

Book Description What kind of property is art? Is it property at all? Jordanna Bailkin's The Culture of Property offers a new historical response to these questions, examining ownership disputes over art objects and artifacts during the ...

<<<  Photosuisse. Book DescriptionSwitzerland has long had ...             Марк Ландсбаум. Маркетинг. XXI век >>>

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