Sharon Hamilton

Lush and Lively Flowers You Can Paint

Book DescriptionDecorative painters frequently find that florals painted in acrylic have a dull, poster-like look. Using the techniques found in Lush and Lively Flowers You Can Paint, artists can now create the most realistic-looking flowers, ...

Rethink : Cause and Consequences of September 11

Book Description September 11 was a departure point that will define our future. Consequently, we have all been forced to rethink, an act that requires introspection and reinterpretation of standard thinking. Rethink , a de.MO ...

Maureen McNaughton

Beautiful Brushstrokes Step by Step: Step by Step

Book DescriptionDespite its being the basic vocabulary of decorative painting, strokework is still one of the hardest skills to master. This book assumes no prior knowledge of strokework on the part of the reader in order to ensure they learn good ...

Brian Wallis

Strangers: The First ICP Triennial of Photography and Video

Book DescriptionPresenting the works of 50 contemporary artists and photographers from around the world, Strangers explores the different roles the camera now plays in negotiating the boundaries between public and private life, trust and fear, ...

<<<  Faces of Sport. Book Description Only Armani ...             Марк Ландсбаум. Маркетинг. XXI век >>>

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