Ed Gubman

The Engaging Leader: Winning with Today's Free Agent Workforce

Book Description Hold on to your talent! To get the best and keep them, managers should hire and lead like good coaches do. Business leaders struggling to attract and retain skilled employees can learn valuable lessons from veteran ...

John J. McGonagle

The Manager's Guide to Competitive Intelligence

Book DescriptionThere is very little material available that provides practical, hands-on assistance for the CI professional who is providing CI to one client--his or her employer--and who constitutes the largest single group of CI practitioners in ...

Lee Schlenker

The Effective Organization : The Nuts and Bolts of Business Value

Book Description The Effective Organization explores the issues and challenges of levering information technology to respond more effectively to client needs and objectives both within a company and a market. Based on examples of ...

Michael Regester

Risk Issues And Crisis Management: A Casebook of Best Practice (Pr in Practice)

Book DescriptionIn todays complex environment, organizations have to understand and respond to rapidly shifting public values, rising expectations, demands for consumer input and an increasingly intrusive news media. Its especially important to ...

<<<  Philippe Very. The Management of Mergers and Acquisitions             Марк Ландсбаум. Маркетинг. XXI век >>>

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