M. Jeroen Fonderie, Johan H. Huijsing

Design of Low-Voltage Bipolar Operational Amplifiers (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 218)

Design of Low-Voltage Bipolar Operational Amplifiers discusses the sub-circuits necessary to build a low-voltage operational amplifier. These include rail-to-rail input stages, rail-to-rail output stages, intermediate stages, protection circuitry ...

Martin Bossert

Channel Coding for Telecommunications

This book clearly describes the leading techniques for channel coding. An advanced tutorial greatly improves the reader's understanding of the material. Rigorous analytical and theoretical examples are provided along with sample problems and ...

Bassam Tabbara, Abdallah Tabbara, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli

Function/Architecture Optimization and Co-Design of Embedded Systems (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 585)

Function Architecture Co-Design is a new paradigm for the design and implementation of embedded systems. Function/Architecture Optimization and Co-Design of Embedded Systems presents the authors' work in developing a function/architecture ...

Joe Sparks

Flash Forward Presents Getting to the Source Behind Radiskull and Devil Doll

Joe Sparks, Creator of the Radiskull & Devil Doll series appearing on shockwave.com takes you through an in-depth tutorial on how to create expressive and complex animations - instantly! Joe wil inspire you to animate as he shares all of his amazing ...

<<<  Sherry Kinkoph, Mike Wooldridge, Brock Bigard. Master VISUALLY Dreamweaver ...             Kelleigh Wing, Paul Whitehead, Ruth Maran. ... >>>

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