Sarah Mankowski, William Alan Rieser, John D. Mankowski

Liberation: One Writer's Adventures and Misadventures on the Digital Playground

Internet Publishing/Biography This is the true story of a legally blind writer?s journey from a Florida housing project to attaining fulfillment as a web designer and publisher. "To understand a technology, perhaps one should not only hear ...


David A. Mindell

Between Human and Machine: Feedback, Control, and Computing Before Cybernetics (Johns Hopkins Studies in the History of Technology)

Today, we associate the relationship between feedback, control, and computing with Norbert Wiener's 1948 formulation of cybernetics. But the theoretical and practical foundations for cybernetics, control engineering, and digital computing were laid ...


Bruce Bimber, W. Lance Bennett, Robert M. Entman

Information and American Democracy : Technology in the Evolution of Political Power (Communication, Society and Politics)

To provide a comprehensive evaluation of the internet in American democracy, Bruce Bimber sets the contemporary information revolution in historical context, asserting that past developments in American history offer important lessons for ...


David N. Greenfield Ph.D

Virtual Addiction: Help for Netheads, Cyberfreaks, and Those Who Love Them

It might start with an innocent exploration of chat rooms, or a stab at an interactive multiuser game. But the Internet, for many Americans, has the potential to become an addiction that wreaks havoc at home, work, school, and in real-life ...


<<<  Gene I. Maeroff. A Classroom of One: How Online Learning is Changing our ...             Kelleigh Wing, Paul Whitehead, Ruth Maran. ... >>>

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