Jen deHaan, Glen Rhodes

ActionScript Zero to Hero

If you've dabbled with Flash and want to expand your repertoire, this book will teach you what you need to know about ActionScript in a fast-paced tutorial style. The ActionScript language is becoming an increasingly vital part of every Flash ...

Christopher G. Langton, Taksunori Shimohara

Artificial Life V: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (Complex Adaptive Systems)

May 16-18, 1996 Nara, Japan Despite all the successes in computer engineering, adaptive computation, bottom-up AI, and robotics, Artificial Life must not become simply a one-way bridge, borrowing biological principles ...

Mark T. Maybury

Intelligent Multimedia Information Retrieval

Foreword by Karen Sprck Jones Intelligent multimedia information retrieval lies at the intersection of artificial intelligence, information retrieval, human-computer interaction, and multimedia computing. Its systems ...

James R. Thompson

Simulation : A Modeler's Approach (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)

A unique, integrated treatment of computer modeling and simulation "The future of science belongs to those willing to make the shift to simulation-based modeling," predicts Rice Professor James Thompson, a leading modeler and computational ...

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