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Bob Eberle, Bob Stanish Cps for Kids
Guide children to new heights with the creative problem solving methods outlined in CPS for Kids. This book will teach your students an exciting and powerful problem solving method from start to finish. Each step in the process, from problem finding
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John R. Allison, Dennis L. Thomas Telecommunications Deregulation : Market Power and Cost Allocation Issues (The IC2 Management and Management Science Series)
This volume explores critical issues in telecommunications regulatory policy by using a unique multidisciplinary lens to focus on the problems of market power and cost allocation in long distance telecommunications markets. The contributors approach
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International Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems and Appl, Todd W. Sands High Performance Computing Systems and Applications (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
High Performance Computing Systems and Applications contains fully refereed papers from the 15th Annual Symposium on High Performance Computing. These papers cover both fundamental and applied topics in HPC: parallel algorithms, distributed systems
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Beth E. Kolko Virtual Publics
How does virtuality affect reality? Fourteen experts consider this question from the perspective of law, architecture, rhetoric, philosophy, and art. Nearly all of the contributors have been online since before Netscape and a graphical World Wide
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