Tyanna K. Herrington, Jay David Bolter

Controlling Voices: Intellectual Property, Humanistic Studies, and the Internet

TyAnna K. Herrington explains current intellectual property law and examines the effect of the Internet and ideological power on its interpretation. Promoting a balanced development of our national culture, she advocates educators' informed ...

Larry R. Nyhoff, Sanford Leestma

Introduction to FORTRAN 90 (2nd Edition)

Introduction to FORTRAN 90 is part of Prentice Hall's ESource Series, a unique publishing system designed to give professors optimal control over their courseware. ESource allows you the freedom to create your own textbook using only the topics ...

Stan Gibilisco

Electronics Portable Handbook

24/7 electronics quick answers at your fingertips! Imagine an easy-access electronics database that weighs a mere 19 oz.— yet delivers “pounds” of must-know standards, formulas, techniques, and more! Electronics Portable ...

Todd Duff, Jay Ziebel

3D Studio Viz Tutorial Release 3 and 3I: Materials and Rendering

The primary goal of 3D Studio VIZ: Materials and Rendering is to focus on one of the most exciting areas of 3D visualization--the creation of photorealistic renderings. The book begins with basic material creation and evolves into complex material ...

<<<  Linda Bird. PowerPoint 2000 Essentials Basic             Kelleigh Wing, Paul Whitehead, Ruth Maran. ... >>>

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