Maria Langer

Excel 2003 for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide

You may not notice it immediately—since the newly revised Excel doesn't look much different than its predecessor—but the addition of XML support means there's a whole lot that's new under the hood of the world's most popular ...

Bob LeVitus

The Little iTunes Book, Third Edition

If you're a Mac user and an audio junkie, iTunes 4--with its brand-new iTunes Music Store--just might be the answer to your prayers: a digital music solution that lets you preview and download hundreds of thousands of songs for just a buck a piece, ...

Todd Knowlton

Introduction to Computer Science Using C++, Third Edition

This non-software specific textbook helps prepare students for the Advanced Placement Test for the C++ Exam A. The many hands-on exercises throughout the book provide immediate reinforcement of the concepts learned. ...

Shelley Gaskin, John Preston, Sally Preston, Robert L. Ferrett

GO Series : Microsoft Excel 2003 Volume 1 (Go! With Microsoft Office 2003)

Written for a diverse audience (all ages, different educational backgrounds, varying educational goals), this book allows for self-paced or online learning. The primary goal of GO! Series: Microsoft Excel 2003 Volume 1 is to teach ...

<<<  Ruth Maran. Windows XP Guia Visual             Kelleigh Wing, Paul Whitehead, Ruth Maran. ... >>>

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