Allen G. Taylor, Virginia Andersen

Access 2003 Power Programming with VBA

Microsoft Access remains an important part of the Windows developer's environment, in that the doughty database management system represents a simple and relatively straightforward core for forms-based software modules. Access 2003 Power ...

Efim Kinber, Carl Smith

Theory of Computing: A Gentle Introduction

This book focuses on fundamental issues of computation. The readers can master the content and gain lasting perspective from which to understand computers by carefully worked out examples, illustrations, and algorithmic proofs. Teaches the ...

Greg BradyGames

Secret Codes 2004

Secret Codes 2004 is an updated collection of the best codes and tips for the most popular games released for the next generation systems. Secrets and codes are provided for the hottest games on the market including The Simpsons: Hit & ...

Rick Greenwald, David C. Kreines

Oracle in a Nutshell

Introduced a quarter-century ago, the Oracle database remains the leading enterprise relational database management system (RDBMS) in the world. Oracle is a complex system, offering a myriad of products, languages, and tools. Frequent updates, ...

<<<  Mitch Goldstein, Richard S. Wiener. Hardcore ...             Kelleigh Wing, Paul Whitehead, Ruth Maran. ... >>>

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