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Preston Gralla How to Expand and Upgrade PCs (3rd Edition)
How to Expand and Upgrade PCs is a richly illustrated, full-color book focusing on upgrades and add-ons that any consumer level user can make to their PC. Instead of simply reading like a manual, this book brings together all of the
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Roy Ladner, Kevin Shaw, Mahdi Abdelguerfi Mining Spatio-Temporal Information Systems (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 699)
We are facing a rapidly growing capability to collect more and more data regarding our environment. With that, we must have the ability to extract more insightful knowledge about the environmental processes at work on the earth. Spatio-Temporal
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Derrick Story Digital Video Pocket Guide (O'Reilly Digital Studio)
The Digital Video Pocket Guide is concise, easy to use, and is overflowing with the techniques you'll need to know to create great movies. The book is organized into three chapters: "What Is It?", "How Does It Work?", and "How Do I...Tips,
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David M. Papurt, Richard S. Wiener Inside the Object Model: The Sensible Use of C++
Inside the Object Model serves two key functions: it teaches object-oriented analysis and design from first principles and clearly explains C++ mechanisms that implement object-oriented concepts. Drawing on nearly ten years of programming and
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