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Mark Sweiger, Mark R. Madsen, Jimmy Langston, Howard Lombard Clickstream Data Warehousing
The first, step-by-step guide to building Web-enabled data warehouses The Web can be an incredibly rich source of customer data, and right now companies across industry sectors are hustling to get up and running with data warehouses capable of
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Pasewark Pasewark Microsoft Office 2000: Introductory Course
This comprehensive book covers the introductory concepts of Office 2000. Step-by-step instructions, screen illustrations, tips, notes, summaries, and simulations allow users to hone their critical thinking skills.
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Mary Stewart Launching the Imagination, Comprehensive (2-D, 3-D, and 4-D) with CD-ROM
This new text for Art Fundamentals courses introduces students to the elements of design in a unique and contemporary context. Launching the Imagination is the only text that explains the practical substance of 2-, 3-, and 4D (or time-based)
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Doug Stuns, Matthew Weishan OCP: Oracle9i DBA Fundamentals II Study Guide
-The perfect way to prepare for the Oracle9i DBA Fundamentals II exam! -Contains exam essentials, real-world scenario sidebars, scenario-based questions, and fill-in-the-blank questions. -The CD includes flashcards, chapter-by-chapter exams,
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