Mike Cravitz

ILE by Example

This new book takes a fresh approach to Integrated Language Environment (ILE). Learn the fundamentals of the AS/400?s ILE by following working examples that illustrate the ins and outs of this powerful programming model. NEWS/400 Technical ...

Rina Dechter

Constraint Processing

Constraint satisfaction is a simple but powerful tool. Constraints identify the impossible and reduce the realm of possibilities to effectively focus on the possible, allowing for a natural declarative formulation of what must be satisfied, without ...

Barry Press, Marcia Press

PC Toys: 14 Cool Projects for Home, Office, and Entertainment

Come on out and play You can only surf the Net so long. You can only play so much video poker. So if you?re a PC addict who?s ready for some new fun, this book is your toybox. Each of the 14 projects inside includes a parts list, ...

Candace Leiden, Marshall Wilensky, Scott Bradner, Candace Leiden, Marshall Wilensky

TCP/IP for Dummies, Fifth Edition

TCP/IP is always a hot topic because it is and always will be the glue that holds the Internet and the World Wide Web together. To be well connected (network-wise, that is), sooner or later you have to become familiar with TCP/IP. So if you want to ...

<<<  Timothy Albee. Essential Lightwave 3d 7.5             Zvi Zameret, Tsevi Tsameret. The Melting Pot in Israel: The Commission ... >>>

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