Bob Kimball

AMA Handbook For Successful Selling

Students gain insight from the real-world expertise of a successful sales management trainer and previous top producer at Coca-Cola Co. Short, easy-to-read chapters make mastering sales fundamentals easier. Sample dialogues show each technique in ...

John Hunt, John F. Hunt

The Do It Yourself Marketing Handbook: How Anyone Can Be a Great Marketer Not Applicable

Anyone can learn to be a great marketer if they know the powerful and simple fundamentals of marketing used by the most successful companies in the world. Learn the step-by-step process of building a winning marketing plan. Book includes complete ...

Sanjaya Lall

The Economics of Technology Transfer (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, No 139)

?This is an excellent collection of readings on the economics of technology transfer. The editor has done scholars and teachers of the subject a great service by bringing them to one place. This volume makes a valuable addition to our ...

Lynn R. Kahle

Cross-National Consumer Psychographics

Cross-National Consumer Psychographics provides data from several applications of the List of Values (LOV) coming from various parts of the globe, showing the implications of particular cultures upon consumerism. Through this unique book, you will ...

<<<  Gary C. Teagno. Profit Through Association Marketing             Zvi Zameret, Tsevi Tsameret. The Melting Pot in Israel: The Commission ... >>>

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