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Блез Паскаль Мысли
Блез Паскаль - блестящий математик и религиозный мыслитель, автор научных трактатов и создатель первого калькулятора и многоместных омнибусов - прообраза парижского общественного транспорта. Его "Мысли", опубликованные родными после смерти
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Helio Gomes Quality Quotes
Today more than ever, quality issues can be key to an organization's success. There has been a void in the quality industry for a reference tool that will provide presenters and professionals with concise, useful tidbits of information for all
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Peter Merrill Do It Right the Second Time: Benchmarking Best Practices in the Quality Change Process
Is your organization looking back on its quality process and saying "it failed"? Are you concerned that TQM is just another fad, only to be replaced by the next improvement movement? Don't jump ship just yet. Everyone experiences failures in
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James A. Tompkins Future Capable Company: What Manufacturing Leaders Need to Do Today to Succeed Tomorrow
Dr. Tompkins describes "Future Capable Company" as the result of more than 30 years of learning and experience in leadership and supply chain excellence. It expands on his classic "Winning Manufacturing," bringing together his proven requirements
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