Philip Stiles, Bernard Taylor

Boards at Work: How Directors View Their Roles and Responsibilities

The first detailed analysis of the internal working and the external relationships of the boards of Britian's leading companies. Responding to calls for greater scrutiny of Boards of Directors, this book presents an in-depth examination of directors ...

Duncan Robins

Business Euphoria: Powering Relational Organizations With Gangs, Gall and Gossip

In the Networked Economy , organizational creativity and flexibility are imperative. Accelerating commercial and social changes coupled with the compounding demands of more powerful stakeholders will obsolete many traditional, rigid, ...

Masami Atarashi

Future Leader

[This book is written in Japanese.] This book is one of the Tachibana Publishing Future Book Series (Japanese Edition), A series of books with the world’s leading futurists and social analysts. This series looks at future ...

Andris A. Zoltners, Prabhakant Sinha, Greggor A. Zoltners

The Complete Guide to Accelerating Sales Force Performance : How to Get More Sales from Your Sales Force

Every firm's sales force combines the distinctive personalities of its members with complex issues of size, pay structure, incentives, performance evaluation, and effective uses of new technology. And while underrepresented in most marketing texts, ...

<<<  Adam Gamoran. Transforming Teaching in Math and Science: ...             Zvi Zameret, Tsevi Tsameret. The Melting Pot in Israel: The Commission ... >>>

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