Constantin Zopounidis, Augustinos I. Dimitras

Multicriteria Decision Aid Methods for the Prediction of Business Failure (Applied Optimization)

This book provides a new point of view on the subject of business failure prediction, through the application of multicriteria analysis methods. The aim of the book is to provide a review of the research in the area and to explore the adequacy of ...

Andrew Berger

Smart Things to Know About Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a target for operational performance and the name originates from the statistical term that uses the lower case Greek letter to mean standard deviation. If you improve the sigma (or standard deviation) of any process you are in effect ...

Alea Fairchild

Reengineering and Restructuring the Enterprise: A Management Guide for the 21st Century

As you prepare for the next century, the challenge of meeting business objectives is driving a new course of reengineering in the enterprise. CTR's new 265-page report focuses on the latest strategies and methodologies and best practices of ...

Alan R. Raedels, Alan, Dr. Raedels

The Supply Management Process

"The Supply Management Process" centers on the fundamentals of the purchasing and supply field. This text reviews the critical elements of the requisition process, cost analysis and management, sourcing and supplier evaluation, the competitive ...

<<<  Michael Coveney, Brian Hartlen, Dennis Ganster, Dave King. The ...             Zvi Zameret, Tsevi Tsameret. The Melting Pot in Israel: The Commission ... >>>

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