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Philip G King, Philip King International Economics and International Economics Policy: A Reader
A collection of articles on international economics by leading economists drawn from various scholarly sources (e.g., the Journal of Economic Perspectives, The Brookings Institution, Finance & Development, Federal Reserve Publications, Foreign
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Jean Dreze, Amartya Sen Hunger and Public Action (Wider Studies in Development Economics)
Examining the problem of hunger in the modern world and the role public opinion might play in combatting it, Dreze and Sen here provide a coherent perspective on the complex nutritional, economic, social, and political issues involved in the
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Anis Chowdhury, Iyanatul Islam Beyond the Asian Crisis: Pathways to Sustainable Growth
As Southeast and Northeast Asia recover from the Asian crisis and return to a state of growth, the authors of this book assess the lessons to be learned from the crisis to achieve sustainable development in the future. While the importance of each
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Robert Stowe England The Fiscal Challenge of an Aging Industrial World (CSIS SIGNIFICANT ISSUES SERIES)
In the coming half-century, the proportion of elderly in the populations of developed nations will nearly double, challenging the sustainability of old-age pensions and health care. This book examines the extent of that challenge and offers
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