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Marc Yor On Exponential Functionals of Brownian Motion and Related Processes
This volume collects papers about the laws of geometric Brownian motions and their time-integrals, written by the author and coauthors between 1992 and 1994. These functionals play an important role in Mathematical Finance, as well as in
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Avram Taylor Working Class Credit and Community Since 1918
This book explores the forms of credit which have historically been associated with the British working class. Taylor seeks to assess the effect of credit on working class communities, and relates this to the debate about community. This work is the
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Paul Leo, Peter Temple Ultimate Technical Trading Software
“No serious trader can neglect the power of software to improve trading returns. This unique resource is invaluable in ensuring your trading profits reach their full potential. At last I know where to refer all those investors who ask me which
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Frank J. Fabozzi, Frank J. Fabozzi Selected Topics in Equity Portfolio Management
There are many styles, models, and factors that go into the management of an equity portfolio. The traditional manager's focus on stock picking and the resulting ad hoc nature of portfolio construction can lead to poorly defined portfolios. Thus the
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