Barbara Young Welke

Recasting American Liberty: Gender, Race, Law and the Railroad Revolution, 1865-1920 (Cambridge Historical Studies in American Law and Society)

Through courtroom dramas from 1865 to 1920, Recasting American Liberty offers a dramatic reconsideration of the critical role railroads, and their urban counterpart, streetcars, played in transforming the conditions of individual liberty at the dawn ...

Mary C. Brinton

Women and the Economic Miracle: Gender and Work in Postwar Japan (California Series on Social Choice and Political Economy)

This lucid, hard-hitting book explores a central paradox of the Japanese economy: the relegation of women to low-paying, dead-end jobs in a workforce that depends on their labor to maintain its status as a world economic leader. Drawing upon ...

Saraswati Raju, Deipica Bagchi

Women and Work in South Asia: Regional Patterns and Perspectives

This collection of essays from both Western and Asian contributors provides a cross-cultural perspective on women's work in South Asia, integrating macro- and micro-analysis. The contributors examine the inadequacies of official statistics and ...

Pamela M. Graves

Labour Women: Women in British Working-Class Politics, 1918-1939

Labour Women is a study of the first post-suffrage generation of women members in the Labour Party and the Co-operative movement. It looks at three areas where women had an impact on the development of British social democracy between 1918 and 1939: ...

<<<  Nigel Walford. Geographical Data Analysis             Zvi Zameret, Tsevi Tsameret. The Melting Pot in Israel: The Commission ... >>>

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