Allan M. Findlay

The Arab World (Routledge Introductions to Development)

This introductory text is the first new study of economic development in the Arab World since the Gulf War of 1991. It evaluates the means by which states as different as Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Morocco and Jordan have sought to achieve economic ...

David R. Phillips

Ageing in the Asia-Pacific Region : Issues, Policies and Future Trends (Routledge Advances in Asian-Pacific Studies)

This book focuses on the challenges that an ageing Asia-Pacific population poses to economies and societies in the region. It considers the policies that have evolved to date to meet new demands, and how these will operate in the future. ...

Sanford R. Silverburg

Palestine and International Law: Essays on Politics and Economics

This collection of thirteen essays explains and analyzes the conflict between the Government of Israel and the Palestine Authority over the granting of sovereignty to Palestinians from the point of view of international law. The dispute-emotional, ...

Franklin G., Jr., Ph.D. Mixon, Kamal P., Ph.D. Upadhyaya

The Political Economy of Private Saving in the U.S: Evidence on the Social Opportunity Costs of Public Policy

This book provides a political economic analysis of the reduced savings and increased lobbying costs emanating from the current institutional framework of the Social Security System in the U.S. Estimates reported here place the social costs of the ...

<<<  Rosa Perez-Koenig, Barry Rock. Social Work in the Era of Devolution: Toward ...             J. Edward Ketz, J. Edward Ketz. Hidden Financial Risk: ... >>>

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