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Alliance for Safe Driving License to Drive Mississippi
License to Drive offers you a totally integrated solution to driver education. Using a realistic approach, it covers all major driver education issues, with an emphasis on safety and defensive driving that will appeal to all new drivers. The focus
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Stephen L. Herman Practical Problems in Mathematics for Electronic Technicians, 4E
Success in the electronics field requires a substantial background in mathematics. This updated book is written to provide beginning students with these needed skills. Practical, easy-to-understand problems help prepare students for the types of
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Barry Hollembeak Automotive Electricity, Electronics and Computer Controls
This new textbook is designed to teach how automotive electricity and electronics systems work, and also provides a thorough introduction to diagnostics and repair. Each concepts chapter is followed by a corresponding shop chapter with a wealth of
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Martin Feldman Electronics Lab Manual
The emphasis is first on understanding the characteristics of basic circuits including resistors, capacitors, diodes, and bipolar and field effect transistors. The readers then use this understanding to construct more complex circuits such as power
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