David Karlson

Avoiding Mistakes in Your Small Business (The Crisp Small Business)

Dozens of the most commonly made mistakes and how to avoid them. ...

Mary Wilkes-Hull, C. Bruce Crosswait

Professional Development: The Dynamics of Success

This book provides the essential foundation necessary for the aspiring professional. It covers personal appearance, money management, job campaigning, values, ethics, and other key topics. ...

Robert Connelly

Opportunities in Technical Education Careers (Vgm Opportunities Series)

More than 100 "opportunities" for students and job seekers! The most comprehensive career book series available, Opportunities in . . . covers a range of professions, from acting to writing, and encompasses traditional as well as ...

Warren Bennis

On Becoming A Leader: The Leadership Classic--Updated And Expanded

The classic book that captures the essence of leadership like none other--expanded and updated for tomorrow's leaders, with a new introduction by the author. Warren Bennis's formative years, in the 1930s and '40s, were characterized by severe ...

<<<  Clarke G. Carney, Cinda Field Wells. Working Well, Living Well: ...             J. Edward Ketz, J. Edward Ketz. Hidden Financial Risk: ... >>>

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