Fred Francis, Peg Francis

Democratic Rules of Order : Complete, Easy-To-Use Parliamentary Guide for Governing Meetings of Any Size

Democratic Rules of Order is a complete, concise, parliamentary guide, made to be adopted as the official rules of order for meetings of any size. It is not an abridgement of other books though it includes much common practice. Its rules are ...

John E. Tropman

Making Meetings Work: Achieving High Quality Group Decisions

A best-seller in its first edition, Making Meetings Work Even Better: Achieving High Quality Group Decisions, Second Edition covers everything you need to know about organizing engaging meetings, including preparing agendas, ...

Len Serafino

Sales Talk: How to Power Up Sales Through Verbal Mastery

The key to successful sales is going back to the basics: talking, writing, and other nonverbal communication. Sales Talk is a complete program designed to help you improve communication skills through myriad means?from reading more to listening ...

Brent Filson

Executive Speeches: 51 CEOs Tell You How to Do Yours

If you want to lead well, you must communicate well; and communication doesn't happen unless the other person gets the point. To cultivate the art of ensuring that other people get the point on a consistent basis, cultivate the art of the speech. ...

<<<  Jill Collis, Roger Hussey. Business Research             J. Edward Ketz, J. Edward Ketz. Hidden Financial Risk: ... >>>

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