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Michael Boylan Ethical Issues in Business
This collection provides students in Business Ethics courses a comprehensive overview of the major areas of ethical theories and issues, including employer-employee relations, consumer affairs, business and government, and international affairs.
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Cynthia A. Brincat, Victoria S. Wike Morality and the Professional Life: Values at Work
Unique in perspective, this book offers a comprehensive values-based approach to professional ethics that is sensitive to the primary ethical issues of the workplace and that offers a positive way for dealing with these issues. It
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Joseph A. Petrick, J. F. Quinn, Sage Publications, John F. Quinn Management Ethics: Integrity at Work (Saga Series on Business Ethics)
This book provides the theoretical rationale, conceptual framework and practical tools necessary for building and sustaining managerial and organizational integrity over time. Individual chapters are devoted to ethical planning, leadership and
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James E. Lukaszewski Communication Standards: The Principles and Protocols for Standard-Setting Individual and Corporate Communication
Time and time again when we analyze how poor, delayed, or unnecessarily manipulative communication has damaged or destroyed the reputation, credibility, brand name, or the future of an individual, organization, or product, it often seems that then,
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