Matthias Winter, Ulrich Steger

Managing Outside Pressure: Strategies for Preventing Corporate Disasters

"The value of Managing Outside Pressure is that, not only is it a handbook on issues identification and issues management, but it provokes thoughts about the evolution into reputation management." C.A.J. Herkstroter Chairman of the Committee of ...

Steven, Dr Berglas

Reclaiming the Fire: How Successful People Overcome Burnout

The definitive work on avoiding burnout, written by the psychologist who is the leading specialist on the issue. An illuminating and useful book for anyone coping with the pressures of work. In Reclaiming the Fire , Dr. Steven Berglas ...

Ann McGee-Cooper, Duane Trammell, Barbara Lau

You Don't Have to Go Home from Work Exhausted!: A Program to Bring Joy, Energy, and Balance to Your Life

Are you tired of being tired? Do you find yourself dragging out of bed each morning and dragging yourself to work? Do you come home at night and collapse in front of the TV? Do you feel as though your job is your life... or your life is a job? ...

Cornelius Luca

Trading in the Global Currency Markets

An in depth look at the tremendous potential of this vital market with expert advice from one of the foremost authorities. The foreign exchange market is the world's largest and fastest growing financial terrain. Despite its high trading ...

<<<  Matthew Lynn. Birds of Prey: Boeing Vs. ...             J. Edward Ketz, J. Edward Ketz. Hidden Financial Risk: ... >>>

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