Philip Walcoff

The Fast Forward MBA in Business Planning for Growth (Fast Forward MBA Series)

The Fast Forward MBA in Business Planning for Growth gives you a strategy for success! Is your company at a standstill, or is it growing but without the focus and strategy it needs for sustained and continued growth? Do you have an idea for a ...

Nancy J. Barger, Linda K. Kirby

The Challenge of Change in Organizations: Helping Employees Thrive in the New Frontier

Explores the psychological impact of change for employees. Provides managers with strategies necessary for successful transitions. ...

John J. Cotter

The 20% Solution: Using Rapid Redesign to Create Tomorrow's Organizations Today

"Today, change flashes across the landscape like lightning. Simple, single-focus fix-it schemes no longer work, and isolated, unintegrated, one-time improvement efforts fail miserably. Organizations require periodic revolution, not just constant ...

Tim Bills, Chris Genasi

Creative Business: Achieving Your Goals Through Creative Thinking and Action

While many people in business have strong analytic skills creativity has been undervalued in many organizations. The authors draw attention to creative thinking and action and how this can be used to solve business problems and improve performance. ...

<<<  Victor Gotbaum. Negotiating in the Real World: Getting the Deal You ...             J. Edward Ketz, J. Edward Ketz. Hidden Financial Risk: ... >>>

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