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Kenneth J. Meier Politics and The Bureaucracy: Policymaking in the Fourth Branch of Government
This best-selling textbook is unique because of its focus on the political side of bureaucracy. Designed to present bureaucracy as a political institution, this book provides coverage of the controls on bureaucracy and how bureaucracy makes policy.
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Phyllis Beck Kritek Negotiating at an Uneven Table : Developing Moral Courage in Resolving Our Conflicts
In the second edition of her landmark book Negotiating at an Uneven Table , Phyllis Beck Kritek explores the process of resolving conflicts in situations where unacknowledged inequity influences disputes and their outcomes. Substantially
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Leonard Koren, Peter Goodman, Peter Goodman Seal the Deal: 130 Surefire Negotiating Strategies
From soft sell to hardball, from sweet persuasion to total war, these powerful bargaining tactics help you win every time. An indispensable tool for anyone who ever has to negotiate, haggle, or bargain, Seal the Deal teaches you the real
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Barry Berg The Art of Buying & Selling at Flea Markets
Flea Markets are considered one of the most democratic institutions around. A man wants to sell something, he pays a small fee for a space in an outdoor parking lot or a farmer's field, brings his own table, puts out his wares and he's in business .
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